Anaheim Ducks goaltending coach Sudarshan Maharaj declared cancer

Time:2024-06-03 18:35:08 Source:Culture Canvas news portal

ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — Anaheim Ducks goaltending coach Sudarshan Maharaj has been declared cancer-free one year after his diagnosis.

The Ducks announced the news Monday that Maharaj — better known as “Sudsie” — is free of pancreatic cancer.

The team said Maharaj faced low odds of survival, but persevered through 11 rounds of chemotherapy and major surgery to remove his gallbladder and parts of his pancreas, small intestine and stomach.

The 59-year-old Maharaj received treatment in Toronto, and he triumphantly rang the ball at a party last weekend to celebrate.

Maharaj thanked Ducks owners Henry and Susan Samueli, team president Aaron Teats, general manager Pat Verbeek and the entire organization for standing by him during his fight. Maharaj joined the Anaheim organization in 2013, and he moved up to the Ducks’ NHL coaching staff in 2016.

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